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Essentia’s Fire Within

identity, experiential, campaign

Fire Within was an event held in NYC to bring Essentia employees, influencers, and key retail/distributor partners together to celebrate the overachieving nature we all share. We created a space immersed in all things Essentia. We added multiple interactive components to the space like a gallery for overachieving artists, a museum-esque area with educational elements to learn more about our product, a commemorative wall for attendees to write their answer to our question “what fuels your fire?”, and an area dedicated to our CSR initiative where people put together school bags for donation with Essentia swag right then and there.

Leading up to the event, we launched a tentpole campaign to highlight overachieving artists across the country. Each artist created artwork to express what overachieving meant to them, and the artwork was featured in a national OOH campaign.

© nicole kline